

My Process

My process typically consists of thumbnail sketching at the beginning, often times I’ll do these traditionally rather than digitally. For me the beginning of an idea needs to be loose and free so whatever medium represents that for me most at the time is the one I go with.

After ideating (typically 5-20 ideas) I’ll move on to sketching and Inking. This is my favorite part of the process and for me where I feel like I get to be most creative. I typically ink using a mixture of brush pen and fountain pen. After the sketch/ink phase I scan the piece into Procreate/Photoshop. After I have the linework in my program of choice I will put down clipping masks of the various parts of the piece, usually in shades of gray. I then will go in, add flat colors, then render typically using a watercolor/gouache style brush.

A really important part of my work to me is texture. I often feel as though digital work can look sterile, stiff, or lifeless. I do my best in the rendering phase to (,to use a film term) dirty the frame in order to bring life and something tactile into the piece. My goal with everything I make is always to create a place for your and my mind to drift and escape to so that we may experience something we want to or can’t in our day to day life.